EMC Rainfinity. Commercial. But not sure if you want to use it.
show running-config
show global-config # virtual file server info, clustered
show namespace mynamespace # high level info, volume list, stat, etc
show share status
show active-directory status # see active/backup/offline servers
show ntlm-auth-server # may not be using any
show statistics cifs-auth all verbose # number of successful/failure
# secure agent is for NTLM
show processors # cpu load in last 1 min and 5 min (%)
show processors usage # include memory and swap utilization
show health # ensure no err other than share offline before reload
show health time-skew # ensure less than 5 min skew for Kerberos to work
show redundancy
tail logs syslog # tail -f syslog
grep skew log syslog # cat syslog | grep skew
show logs traplogs # see snmp traps, even if no external snmp is setup
collect diag-info filename.tgz # generate a support dump file (download from web interface)
collect diag-info ftp://user:pass@ftp.acopia.com/filename.tgz # direct ftp out
reload # reboot the chasis, partner will take over automatically.
show statistics filer # total packet, latency, etc per each filer/volume.
show statistics filer detailed
show statistics global server
show interface gigabit 1/6 stats
clear counter gibabit 1/6
Cisco default to send flowcontrol, "desirable" to receive flowcontrol.
If enabled on both side, then they will both understand "PAUSE" frames,
which pauses a pre-determined number of seconds to allow for buffer to be free up.
interface gigabit 1/3
flowcontrol send on
flowcontrol receive on
speed auto
Repeat for other nic of the same etherChannel
To turn off flow control, use :
no flowcontrol send on
To check current status (and whether receiving PAUSE frames send by Cisco Switch):
show interface gigabit 1/3
To see the number of PAUSE frames received (and send) by Acopia:
show interface gigabit 1/3 stats
(By default, if not explicity setup, acopia won't use flow control.
Cisco does, so there would be significant number of
Ingress PAUSE frames, but no Outgress.
(really lacp since etherChannel only work within cisco)
show EthCh config:
show channel summary
show channel 1
Proxy IP
show ip proxy-addresses
The Proxy-addresses are the one that are used by NFS from Acopia to the back end filer.
(1 IP per active port of EtherChannel should be configured, so that EthCh
load balancing works. Arx assign diff mac for each proxy ip addr).
The general VIP used Acopia (pointed to live ARX)
is what client use to mount the ARX. This is a single IP
and is ethCh balanced by client using diff source mac/ip add
(if they are not behind a router or NAT box as in a cluster head node!
maybe ethCh should balance by IP rather than mac.)
Management Interface
The acopia has an out-of-band network management interface and a serial port.
The management interface is not required, it maybe left unconfigured and
unplug to a network.
However, many management traffic such as snmp and syslog by def route thru
the management interface. Special config need to be done to change them.
Acopia allows ssh in thru the in-band regular traffic network.
show interface mgnt
show management access # see what traffic is allowed on which port (eg snmp on vlan, ssh in management, etc)
management source vlan XX # tell ARX to use vlan XX that is typical of NFS/CIFS traffic
# for all its management activities
# (eg smtp notification, snmp traps, etc)
channel 2
no trap shutdown # allow snmp trap to flow thru ether channel 2 (network traffic etherChannel)
A lot of unix commands are available, but some of the common commands are wrapped thru expect
expect show netstat
expect traceroute 10.10.x.y
Config Commands
config term # configure running config, specific to each arx
global # enter global config mode, one change to both arx ha pair.
## configure arx to send syslog output to central syslog svr, such as a splunk svr
## need to tell it to route the traffic thru network rather than def mgnt interface
## which is the private heartbeat network.
show vlan summary
show logging destination
config terminal
logging destination central-syslog-svr
management source vlan 91
## configure email notifications
show email-event tech-support
show email-event mycompany
config term
email-event mycompany
no mail-to t@nova
mail-to tin@nova
group chassis
group metadta
group virtual-server
group storage
group cifs
## There is no need to do the cisco "copy run start" to "save" the running config.
## But can make backup copies as:
copy running-config configs running-20081002.arx2.txt
Saving Config
Global config is synchronized between the two ARX heads.
Running config is per-head config, such has unit's hostname, ip address, ssh-host-key, etc
Startup config is the combination of both running and global config
The commands need to run in enable mode (exec-priv in acopia parlance).
copy running-config scp://user@host:/path/file1 accept-host-key
copy global-config scp://user@host:/path/file2 accept-host-key
copy startup-config scp://user@host:/path/file12 accept-host-key
Manually... can run:
terminal length 0
show running-config
show global-config
Restoring Config
copy scp://user@host:/path/file1 scripts running
scripts is the dir where acopia store all the configs...
running is the name of the file... it could be startup_config...
refer to pdf for more detail.
Adding share to the farm
- Unix side, set share so that Acopia IP (and proxy IPs) have root access to the share. All unix NFS access are proxied by the Acopia.
- For a new share, needeto use windows to fix the permission of the share before import to the Acopia. Default access for "Everyone" wasn't good enough. Need to explicitly add the backup operator group as having full access to the share. Even when Windows client get a pointer to access the underlaying storage directly, acopia need to mark the volume with some .acopia files.
Don't set NFS permission such as anon=0 or no-root-squash. This wide open security hole isn't needed if everything is setup correctly.
Adding Share to Existing Presentation Volume
namespace ns1.nova.net
volume /data-Pres
share db-link
# create new share? --> yes
managed-volume ns1.nova.net /db
attach db to .
#### more like attach {destinationPath} to {managedVolumeDir}
## 1st param is "virtual pathname within the (presentation) volume (eg db will become /usemdata/db in acopia)
## 2nd param is path on the share, which is typically . for the whole share (and not subdir of it)
## the attach command syntax is really misleading, the params order should be flipped in such syntax!!
Used GUI to disable Auto Reserve Files on /db volume first.
can't attach db into some places in bionfo.
so, can't do NFS mount in a NFS dir kind of idea (although NFS can do it, albet a bad idea).
## if doing thru GUI,
## create share (using acopia volume), then add attachment.
CIFS config
probe exports external-filer ns80-emc-s6001 proxy-user acopia_username_win_domain
# check whether CIFS access to a specific filer backend is valid
probe exports external-filer ns80-emc-s6001
# check that NFS access to backend share is okay
show active-directory status
# see root of domain tree
show active-directory
# or
show active-directory forest novartis.net
# see specific IP and server used for AD
cifs namespace1.eVille.net
domain-join my.domain.net ou "CO/Resources/Servers"
# join the ARX to windows domain, adding the object under the AD tree in the OU of
# (CO is the top of the LDAP tree Servers is the child folder where object is added to)
# OU syntax is tested to work, but need domain admin proiv to add it
# can also omit OU spec, add it with domain acc,
# and then move it from "Computers" folder in AD to the desired location.
active-directory-forest eville.net
child-domain us.eville.net preferred
# For forest-root just replace the child-domain part)
# preferred server is not required, but beneficial to avoid replication delay and problems.
Acopia (3.x) only supports SNMP version 2c. snmp version 1 is not supported at all and all such queries will be ignored.
It does listen on udp port 161.
SNMP v2c does not require authentication, and Acopia does not add/control
auth the way it does for HTTP or SSH.
It could be quite insecure, especially if write-community is created.
So configure carefully!
By default, snmp info is not shared.
One would need to permit "management access snmp", ie turned on to allow snmp queries,
send traps.
It would also need to be configured to use the right network channel for such traffic
(def to use mgnt which may not be configured).
Once enabled, all hosts are trusted by default, until a specific "snmp-server trusthost" is issued.
This will allow both get and set. (page 8-12 of cliReference.pdf)
If no write-community is configured, then no snmp write would be possible, even from trusted hosts.
snmpserver traps would list host that receive snmp events (not all that many on the acopia).
snmp trusted-host are machine that can use snmp to query/update the ARX, ask for info such as cpu, etc, which
are never send out thru traps.
management access snmp
permit all # if desire to route snmp traffic thru management port
no permit mgmt # this will deny snmp trap from going to the management port
# and hopefully send out thru regular data vlan
channel 2 # pick the etherchannel that has client/servernetwork traffic
no trap shutdown # allow snmp trap to flow thru (for cases where out-of-band management nic is not configured)
snmp-server community bofh-community-read read-only
snmp-server trusthost
snmp-server host bofh-community-read 162
# (162 is the default udp-port and don't really need to be specified)
snmp-server contact sysadmins@bofh.com
snmp-server location "Data Center, USA"
snmp-server name arx1
snmp-server trap
# -or-
snmp-server trap private
# (private would include Acopia specific MIBs.)
show snmp-server # pay attention to Interface, Access Mode and Trap Targets
Maintenance Commands
Generate CIFS/NFS inconsistency report
nsck namespace1.eville.net report inconsistencies /nfshome/username/path/to/file outputfile myReport.rpt
nsck namespace1.eville.net report metadata-only /nfshome/username/path/to/file outputfile myReport-md.rpt
collect diag
web interface of downloading a collect-diag is too slow. cli scp is much quicker:
copy diag-info diagInfo.tgz scp://boft1@ accept-host-key
Restart HTTPS server (web gui)
0. SSH to the acopia management interface, VIP.
1. } enable
2. # terminal debug
3. # gui restart
4. # no terminal debug
psg101 sn50 tin6150