Main DB2 interface components:
. db2profile profile in each instance to be sourced to setup path,
db2 register variable, java stustuff, etc
File in instance dir, eg /lhome/db2inst8/sqllib/
db2fs db2 first steps, a getting started wizard.
db2cc Control Center, GUI, lead to many other GUI.
db2 DB2> The CLI for all db2 admin.
db2ca config assistant, help client config of connectivity.
also as lightweight Control Ctr
db2hc health center, for monitoring and stuff
db2ilist list db2 instances
AIX: /usr/opt/db2_08_01/bin
Sol: /opt/IBM/db2/V8.1/bin
db2icrt -u FENCEID INST_NAME # create instance eg db2fenc8 db2inst8
# !! Note: before creating instance, do:
# !! cd /lhome/INST_NAME ; touch .profile .login
# !! It maybe the case that db2 does not like instance name w/ - in them
# !! At least, db2sampl failed when instance/username was uca2-db2
db2idrop INST_NAME # delete instance
AIX: /usr/opt/db2_08_01/instance/
Sol: /opt/IBM/db2/V8.1/instance/
db2 catalog tcpip node pecan remote pecan.brio.com server 50000
db2 catalog database epam as epam_p at node pecan
db2 catalog database epam1 as epam_p1 at node pecan
db2 catalog database epam_ea7 at node pecan
db2 update dbm cfg using svcename 50000
db2 get dbm cfg | grep SVCENAME
allow remote admin via db2cc, port 50000
db2set -all
list db2 registry var
Prodecure for stopping the DB2 server (all db2 related process).
Log on as root and enter the following commands for each instance:
su - iname
. $HOME/sqllib/db2profile
db2 force applications all
db2 terminate
db2licd end # run at each physical node (license svr)
where iname is the instance owner name.
Then, while still logged on as root, enter the following commands:
su - aname
. $HOME/sqllib/db2profile
db2admin stop
where aname is the administration server name.
Installation and Configuration Supplement.pdf
p 17 and 138:
license management. needed after manual install.
INSTHOME/.../db2diag.log will also show expiration in X day(s).
adm/db2licm -l list licenses, including prod password for futher update
-n PASSWORD 4 increase to 4 cpu
-? help
adm/db2licm -a FILENAME
where FILENAME is license file on cdrom /db2/license/db2ese.lic
Stored in /var/ifor (AIX) or /var/lum (Unix,Linux)
license files needed before running products:
(potentially need to run db2licm on all avail lic)
db2ese.lic enterprise svr ed (used in tahoe from soft access catalog download)
db2dlm.lic data link
db2wsue.lic work group serv unlimed ed
db2conee.lic connect ent ed (seen a few on sandpail)
... plus other, see list in pdf.
db2 commands from class exercise
Course 2: CF 453 : DB2 Universal DB Advance Admin Workshop (Intermediate)
*** ATTACH cmd *** p2-5
db2 list node directory
see list of catalogged machines avail for remote admin (via DAS)
db2 attach to NODENAME user USERNAME using PASSWORD
connects to the remote db2 machine for admin
db2 -tvf scriptname.ext
Run a db2 script from the cli. eg to create a db.
db2 get dbm cfg | grep SVCENAME
list the port that db2 listen on
(may be in /etc/services or c:\winnt\system32\drivers\etc\services)
typically 50000, 60000
create the db2 sample db (think it ship standard with the software)
db2 catalog tcpip node db2rem remote server 30010 remote_instance db2
add the node (instance) of the remote machine.
ie catalog its instance.
db2 list node directory
verify above
db2 catalog db sample as smaple1 at node db2rem
add a db from the remote machine
ie catalog a db associated w/ the node entry of the remote system instance
db2 list db directory
verify above
db2 attach to db2rem user adminNN using admin
attach to the remote node
db2 get db cfg for sample1
view config parameter for remote db aliased to sample1
*** Admin remote instance *** p 2-10
db2 get db cfg for sample1 | find /i "logfil"
find the log file size (in number of pages if (4) KB each). sample1 is the db name. find is dos cli
db2 update db cfg for smaple1 using logfilsiz 200
change db config parameter for logfilsiz to use 200 pages
db2 GET SNAPSHOT FOR DATABASE ON sample1 > outputfile.txt
Use snapshot monitor to get info about the number of connects to the remote db sample1
=== Section 3: The Governor === p 3-1
db2 terminate
db2 list db directory
db2 connect to sample # stock sample db
# to disconnect, use db2 connect reset
db2 select * from department
db2 select * from adminNN.staff,adminNN.sales # actually from p3-3
db2 connect to sample user admin using admin
connect to a database (local instance will not req password).
db2gov start sample sample_gov_01.cfg sample_gov_01.txt
governor-config-file log-file-name
start the governor, storing the log file in SQLLIB\inst-name\log\
db2 list applications
list user/application that have connections to the database
db2gov stop sample
stops the governor
*** Audit *** p 3-10
db2audit describe
tell whether the audit function is active or not
db2 force application all
db2 terminate
disconnect and terminate all connectivity, stop the db
db2audit start
start auditor, log in ..\sqllib\db2\security\db2audit.log
db2audit stop
stop auditor, must stop db first??
db2audit extract
creates a sqllib\db2\security\db2audit.out file (text)
(also see db2audit flush)
db2audit prune all
clear out the audit internal log
*** Create audit db ***
db2audit configure scope all status both
db2 get db cfg | grep AUDIT_BUF_SZ
db2 update dbm cfg using AUDIT_BUF_SZ 10
db2audit flush
flush the audit buffer (from p 3-14)
(ready to be extracted w/o having to stop the auditor?)
db2audit extract delasc delimiter !
extract all events to files in ASCII delimited with !
Each event category will get its own file
db2audit stop
db2 connect reset
db2 create db audit
db2 -tf db2_audit.ddl # class script, non std?
=== ch 4 Problem determination === p 4-2
db2 attach to INSTANCE-NAME # eg db2
db2 update dbm cfg using heath_mon on
turn on Health Monitor for a particular instance
db2 inspect check db results keep check1
an intermediate binary file
determine db2 version
db2inspf check1 check1.txt
turn binary file into text version for human reading
db2 attach to inst1
db2 force application all # wait for a while for everything to shut off.
db2 update db cfg for musicdb using logretain recovery
config db for archive logging
db2 backup db musicdb to X:\cf45\backup with 2 buffers buffer 1024 parallelism 1 without prompting
create a backup of the db on the file system.
NOTE the timestamp , which is used for restore.
db2 list tablespaces
list the storage area for the tables (see if there are corruptions)
db2 restore db MUSICDB tablespace (DMSCR01) online from X:\cf45\backup taken at 20030323101926 with 2 buffers buffer 1024 parallelism 1 without prompting
from tablespace list filesystem loc timestamp ^^^^^^^^^ params used to do backup above ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
restore db from image dumped onto filesystem.
db2 rollforward db MUSICDB to end of logs and complete tablespace (DMSCR01) online
needed as part of the restore.
dir where .zip will be placed name of db to gather info from
Collect info about a db (no user info) to be send to IBM Support.
ch 5 SMP - See exercise book.
=== ch 6 Advance Util === p 6-2
db2look -d MUSICDB -a -e -l -x -c
db2move MUSICDB export
automatically export all data of the musicdb and store it in the current dir.
It generates a file called db2move.lst, may need to change owner name before import
db2move COPYDB import
import the database from info in the current dir, renaming it to COPYDB
db2move MUSICDB export -tn ARTISTS
dbname table-name
export a specific table of db first, for when there are depencies on table load.
db2move COPYDB import -io insert
somehow this would insert the special table first
db2cfexp PATH-to-CF-FILE template
db2cfimp PATH-to-CF-FILE
Export and import of config info of connectivity info (eg deploy workstation client).
*** container space management *** p 6-5
db2 alter tablespace dmsc2d drop (file 'X:\dms\copydb\dmsc2d_c02')
db2 alter tablespace dmsc2i drop (file 'X:\dms\copydb\dmsc2i_c02')
db2 list tablespace containers for 7 show detail
db2 alter tablespace dbsc2i resize (file 'X:\dms\copydb\dmsc2i_c01' 76)
db2 alter tablespace dmsc2i reduce (all containers 65)
db2 alter tablespace dms04d add (file 'X:\dms\musicdb\dms04D_c02' 2000) # from p 9-6
db2 drop database COPYDB
remove a database completely.
=== ch 9 Load === p 9-2
db2 update dbm cfg using diaglevel 4
db2 update db cfg for musicdb using logfilsiz 2500 logprimary 5 logretain recovery indexrec access
db2 +c insert into overview values (999,'XXX','XXX')
db2 load query table acct
db2 describe indexes for table acct
db2 drop index acctindx
=== ch 10 distributed mgnt ===
db2 query client
db2 set client connect 2
db2 set client connect 2 sqlrules db2 syncpoint onephase
db2 set client connect 2 sqlrules std syncpoint onephase
=== ch 11 federated db ===
db2 list node directory
SQL like commands
db2 connect to SAMPLE user db2inst8
db2 list tables
db2 list tablespaces
db2 list tablespaces show detail
db2 create table test_t1(test_c1 char(10))
db2 select COLUMN-NAME from TABLE-NAME
db2 select count(*) from TABLE-NAME
NOTE: db2 command automatically do commit, to turn it off, use param '+c'
DB2 user priviledges stuff. These SLQ commands does not work in Oracle.
user exist as std unix acc user.
db2 grant DBADM,CREATETAB,BINDADD,CONNECT on database to user THO;
db2osconf display kernel param needed by db2, os config dependent.
For Solaris /etc/system:
set msgsys:msginfo_msgmax=65535
set msgsys:msginfo_msgmnb=65535
set msgsys:msginfo_msgmni=2560
set msgsys:msginfo_msgtql=2560
set semsys:seminfo_semmni=3072
set semsys:seminfo_semmns=6452
set semsys:seminfo_semmnu=3072
set semsys:seminfo_semume=240
set shmsys:shminfo_shmmni=3072
set shmsys:shminfo_shmseg=240
set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax=1869321830
The last entry, shminfo_shmmax, seems to suck up 1.8 GB out of a 2 GB system.
Oracle setup only wanted 1 GB. However, setting it to 1 GB seems to have caused
some GUI tools like configuration advisor not being able to perform update.
So set it to 1.5 GB and seems a bit better. Too high, and the system don't seems to have resources for other task.
Other config param
db2 get dbm cfg # dbm is shortcut for database manager
db2 get db cfg # need db2 connect to DATABASE 1st, DB specific
db2 get admin configuration # DAS config
memory for connection, freed when last app disconnect.
Also space for logbufsz and catalogcache_sz are allocated from here.
default = 1200, range 32-60k.
many params can be set on db2cc GUI via right click on DB, then configure parameters or configure advisor that walk thru std scenarios. Good to tell DB to use less than 80% of memory as target for system that is more than just a DB.
install program via db2setup
update FixPack, it comes with script
config kernel param.
(db2 process is in /etc/inittab !!)
Create instance and fence user
For instance user, touch .profile and .login
as root, run:
/opt/IBM/db2/V8.1/instance/db2icrt -u db2fenc8 db2inst8 #last one match instance user.
as db2inst8 user (or db2i81 in tahoe), run
. sqllib/db2profile (actually in .profile).
db2ilist # list intances
db2level # get version info
db2sampl # create sample db
db2 connect to sample
db2 "select * from staff where dept = 20"
db2 connect reset
# eg2, running user is general user, connect to db as db2i81
# which get all table as its own schema space.
db2 connect to sample user db2i81
db2 "select * from db2i81.staff"
DAS - db2 admin server - central point for remote control
See Admin Guide: Implementation, p44
server side config:
dascrt -u das-username
in /opt/IBM/db2/V8.1/instance/
create DAS instanve as a specific user.
dasdrop ASName
ASName is the das instance being removed.
typically match das-username
remove previous instance as needed.
db2admin start|stop
in /opt/IBM/db2/V8.1/das/bin/
start, stop or (no param) check das status
also add/remove db2 users (apart from os user)
update das from fix pack
db2 create tools catalog TOOLS_CAT create new database TOOLS_DB
Create a tools catalog db, used by DAS to store schedule task, etc.
usually it is setup at install time.
db2set -i db2i81 db2comm=tcpip
db2 update dbm cfg using svcename 50000
# change to use port 50000, could also be name listed in /etc/services
db2 update admin cfg using toolscat_inst db2i81
db2 update admin cfg using toolscat_db TOOLS_DB
db2 update admin cfg using toolscat_schema TOOLS_CAT # catalog name
db2 update admin cfg using smtp_server MAILHOST
db2 get admin cfg | egrep TOOLSCAT_INST\|TOOLSCAT_DB
change and verify param of admin (=DAS)
need to db2admin stop , start to make changes takes place.
NOTE: at the end, did db2stop, db2start, and das worked w/o above conf.
db2 reset admin cfg
reset all admin (=DAS) configuration to system default.
Essentially, it will erase prev setting.
DAS, client side config (but never got it to work)
- Admin Guide, Implementation, p 53
- Course #1, p 1-37
- Exercise p 1-11
db2 catalog admin tcpip node TAHOE remote TAHOE system TAHOE ostype SUN
admin refers to DAS config
node is local client reference use only, can be any name
ostype could also be AIX, LINUX, NT (or WIN?)
db2 catalog admin tcpip node TAHOE remote TAHOE server 50000 remote_instance DB2I81 system TAHOE ostype SUN
command ref says "admin" cannot mix with "SERVER", think should rm admin
node name again is local ref, need to be unique.
And it may not be needed, maybe only for scheduler task storage...
db2 catalog db TOOLS_DB as TTOOLSDB at node TAHOE
This add additional database for use in local sys.
TOOLS_DB is the tools database used by DAS
TTOOLSDB need to be locally unique name, not sure why needed
again, i didn't get this to work, some sort of comm err, so may need revising
NOTE, using GUI db2cc to add db seems to work much better!
Checking errors:
eg INSTHOME=/lhome/db2inst8
db2diag.log text file
INSTANCE.nfy notification log, smaller text file than db2diag.log.
db2eventlog.nnn ?
Patching a Fix Pack, after instance has been created.
shutdown db2
cd to dir containing the untared patch files, run install script as root.
The patch each instance:
cd INSHOME/instance/
./db2iupdt INSNAME
eg INSNAME db2i81
./dasupdt DASNAME
eg DASNAME db2das8
then some binding stuff for the tools...
su - db2i81
db2 terminate
db2 connect to
eg dbname tools_db
db2 bind /export/lhome/db2i81/sqllib/bnd/@db2ubind.lst blocking all grant public
db2 bind /export/lhome/db2i81/sqllib/bnd/@db2cli.lst blocking all grant public
should be all done at this point.
db2 performance and tunning class
ch 10. Health Monitor
Run GUI health monitor, all info details , right click db, choose to start health monitor.
db2 get health snapshot for database on tp1
db2 get health snapshot for database on tp1 show detail
db2 get health snapshot for tablespaces on tp1
tp1 is a sample database name
In solaris, there is a special version of ps that shows correct
db2 engine process name instead of having it display db2cc.
See various binaries at:
db2_ps :
db2nps N : node ps
They seems to req a DB2INSTANCE var set.
DB2 UDB Connectivity Cheat Sheets: Part 4
article from IBM that may help config DB2 client connectivity to server.
various database troubleshooting commands learned at job.
db2 ?
get help, list all commands
db2 ? list
help on list command
db2 list database directory | grep 'Database alias'
display list of databases (seems to be more than db2cc)
db2 list active databases
see which database is active
db2 activate database
activate a given database
Note that error such as back end store removed does not seems to
return error on cli!
db2 deactivate database
db2 list applications
List all active applications using the database.
Environment variable to check if things fails strangely:
DB2DIR="/usr/lpp/db2_07_01" # DB2 ver 7
DB2DIR="/usr/opt/db2_08_01" # DB2 ver 8
Note on DB2 and ldap.
If the system (AIX) search LDAP first instead of the local passwd account,
and if there are some issues on the LDAP account that prevents login (/bin/false for shell),
then DB2 will not work at all. Even if this is only a db2 client instance installation.
This is because DB2 client still depends on a instance installed locally on the machine,
and so the instance owner account need to be available for db2 to work at all.
DB2 on HP-UX.
kmtune parameter msgmax must be set to 65535 for db2 (client) to work.
maybe enhanced autofs changed it when it recompiles the kernel.
psg101 sn50 tin6150